Sunday, March 9, 2008


I'm smiling today. Recognition this morning for my little poems in the form of an Award (!) from farmlady, who tends a colorful, creative blog (photos, poems, thoughtful writing) at (definitely worth a long visit!). Thank you, farmlady. You made my day.


farmlady said...

You're welcome. You deserved it. Have you ever gone to a Berkeley poetry reading? I did, years ago. You should try one. Your poems are great!!!

Lené Gary said...

Your poetry award is well deserved. You have some beautiful work. Do you ever submit it to contests? I've won a few small ones, including a few from CA, and I would highly recommend you send your work out if you're at all inclined.

I'm curious about the poets you read. I really enjoy Robert Wrigley's work. And Mary Oliver always welcomes me back to the "real" world (as your poetry does).

Cheers. :)

castlewon said...

I like Oliver too, and Adrienne Rich, Stafford, Collins, Milosz, Szymborska, lots of them (will have to check into Wrigley, thanks).

As for getting my stuff out there, thanks but all a poem really needs is a reader, and you'll do quite nicely :-)